Friday, July 17, 2015

A must read and a new endeavor.

This summer, reading was not on my "oh I can't wait to do that" list.  I'm just going to say it... I'm not a reader.  For the most part I don't enjoy it, unless it's a children's book. I love children's books, all kinds! I flip through magazine every now, but for the most part the only reading I do is to Aubree and to my class. Which I love! After coming across Ron Clark's new book- Move Your Bus on Instagram, reading all of the great things teachers were saying about it, I knew I had to check it out! 

I got it in the mail Monday.  I didn't have time to sit down to read it till Tuesday at 1:00 and finished it 2 hours.  It is a great read and so, so spot on! 
Every work place has people that are described in the book.  As I was reading I kept thinking, "I'm a jogger, wait, I might be a runner.  Oh no! I'm a walker!!" I really hope this school year I'm a runner and our bus flies and I'm the driver in a classroom full of runners! If you have checked it out yet, it's a MUST read this summer! 

In other news...
For quite some time now I have been creating things for my classroom.  I have always wanted to take the plunge and open a TPT, but never had the courage. The other day I saw a quote that said "Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle".  Immediately I thought of how I have always wanted to be a TPT seller like other bloggers, but didn't know where to start.  After reading that quote I decided it was time and I had to start somewhere.  So I updated my TPT account from just a buyer to a seller.  I am slowly uploading things I have made, and hopefully soon it will grow and I will be able to share all of my products with you all! I would love you to FOLLOW ME on my journey!  

And stay tuned for my new blog design coming TUESDAY!! So excited about it!

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